How do I create a domain alias in cPanel

Our cPanel hosting allows you to set up unlimited aliases using the domain alias tool in cPanel, don’t have a domain? Get your custom domain name now!

Aliases can be a useful tool for utilizing multiple domains when only one domain has content.  This is because they make your existing website available from the other domain name or the alias.

An example of this would be the following: you currently operate an e-commerce store from the domain name, but you might also own and Using a domain alias, mirror content on across the domains. And, because your domain is under the same DNS zone, you can use an alias to point towards a subdomain, giving further opportunities for customization.

Want to add a completely different domain and website to your cPanel? Learn how to create addon domains in cPanel now!

Using the aliases tool in cPanel

  • Firstly, login to cPanel.
  • Next, in cPanel, scroll down to the domains section and click aliases. This takes you to the aliases tool.
cPanel domains area with aliases highlighted
Aliases tool in the domains section
  • Afterwards, enter the domain you want to create the alias of. Then click add domain.
cPanel aliases tool
Aliases tool
  • Once you have added the domain, click go back and then click manage redirection.
manage aliases in the cPanel aliases tool
Manage aliases in cPanel
  • From here, add the domain you want the alias to redirect to. This can be any domain that you own or manage, but it’s better to try to keep it as relevant as possible to maximize the benefits.
Add a redirection to the alias
Add a redirection.
  • After that’s completed, click save and go back to finalize the changes and return to the main page of the aliases tool. If it’s successful, you will see the following.
cPanel aliases tool showing alias added successfully
Success adding an alias.